Reading Network Culture

Essays on technology, psycho­analysis, philosophy, design, ideology & Slavoj Žižek


July 18, 2011

Reading Network Culture

I’ve started a small online discussion group with some friends from Twitter. Over the next few weeks, will be reading and discussing Network Culture: Politics for the Information Age by Italian Marxist theorist Tiziana Terranova.

In an age of email lists and discussion groups, e-zines and weblogs, bringing together users, consumers, workers and activists from around the globe, what kinds of political subjectivity are emerging? What kinds of politics become possible in a time of information overload and media saturation? What structures of power and control operate over a self-organising system like the internet?

Network Culture concludes that the nonlinear network dynamics that link different modes of communication at different levels (from local radio to satellite television, from the national press to the internet, from broadcasting to rumours and conspiracy theories) provide the conditions within which another politics can emerge. This other politics, the book suggests, does not entail the production of a new political discourse or ideology, but the invention of micropolitical tactics able to stand up to new forms of social control.

Please join us :)